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Software developer

Software developer, do you know your worth?

Most software developers do not know their worth and settle for less than they could have.

We will help you unleash your full potential.

Freelancing is becoming more common in IT

Long-standing job matching issues in the IT industry have made a skilled software developer a rare find in today's job market. The best way to improve your working conditions is to deliver your skills through your own company as a freelance entrepreneur.

Paid employment
Sales skills needed
Community & peer support
Financial risk

Freelancing comes with many benefits, but becoming a freelancer is by no means easy. Moreover, the current juxtaposition of freelancing and paid employment is varied. For this reason, an expert must consider which matters are relevant to them and base their choices on that.

Why choose when you can get the best of both worlds?

We decided to make freelancing more approachable for experts by combining the best aspects of paid employment and freelancing and developing an operating model that removes all general barriers.

This led to the Gnonce model—the golden mean of work—from freelancers to freelancers.

Career development support

Support for self-promotion

Fair compensation

A tight working community of freelancers

Kultainen keskitie


Gnonsultant vs. paid employee

As a Gnonsultant, you are guaranteed to get better compensation than from paid employment. What's more, you have more control over your work and financial matters.

Gnonce makes work more profitable for the developer.

Gnonsultant vs. independent freelancer

As a freelancer you are your own master, but you are also responsible for everything. Gnonce shares risks, helps with project hunting and entrepreneurship and enables communal support to those working solo.

Gnonce lowers the bar for entrepreneurship.

A proven recipe for success in IT

Fair compensation model
  • As a freelancer, you get better compensation than a paid employee.

  • As Gnonsultant you are always our subcontractor. Instead of earning income, we pay earnings to your business as a monthly invoice.

  • No salary negotiations; our fair & transparent compensation model is the same for everyone.

Sales support
  • Working together, We will make sure to find the right project opportunities for you.

  • Our extensive partner network makes a wide range of projects available to you.

  • Our job is to find suitable project opportunities for you. You go to an interview and nail the job.

Freedom of choice
  • As a Gnonsultant, you enjoy the freedoms of entrepreneurship.

  • Working as a company gives you more control over your financial matters, such as pension and salary.

  • You have more privilege to choose the tools and work methods that work best for you.

Community and support
  • Gnonce is a community of peers where freelancers support each other.

  • For us, being a subcontractor does not mean working alone. We provide activities and good co-workers.

  • With us, you are not alone. We serve as your peer support when you need help with technology, sales, or entrepreneurship.

Shared risks
  • Gnonce shares the risks of entrepreneurship with the freelancer.

  • It may take some time to find your first project. We are determined to support you until you succeed.

  • You can opt-in for a base fee that has you covered when there are no projects to work on.

Building blocks for entrepreneurship
  • We provide you resources and simple stepping stones toward IT freelancing.

  • Entrepreneurship is easy with us, so you can focus on working instead of doing business chores.

  • Our operating model provides you with a solid foundation to build your freelance career.

Is Gnonsulting for me?

We have built our model based on our own needs. Gnonce's business model is perfect for you if...

You want to be compensated appropriately for the work you do.

You want to create your own career path and progress with determination.

You want to be in charge of things like risk-taking and ways of working.

You want to be a freelancer but keep the benefits of a work community.

You want support for sales and self-promotion.

You want help for starting and running a business.

Becoming a freelancer can be a true challenge.

That's why we help.

Our goal is to help as many IT experts as possible towards happier working life.

Are you ready to take a leap of faith?

Leave us your contact information, and we'll be in touch.

See how others managed to do it.

Panu Partanen - Freelancing tuo vapautta ja vastuuta ohjelmistokehitykseen

Panu Partanen - Freelancing tuo vapautta ja vastuuta ohjelmistokehitykseen

Tässä haastattelussa pääset tutustumaan Gnonsultti Panuun sekä kuulemaan, minkälainen oli hänen matkansa palkkatyöstä freelanceriksi (muutaman mutkan kautta).

Read the story

From paid employment to Freelancing in 2 months

From paid employment to Freelancing in 2 months

Meet our first Gnonsultant Hari through his story and learn how he successfully transitioned from paid employment to software freelancing.

Read the story

It-freelancerina aloittaminen - Villen tie yrittäjäksi

It-freelancerina aloittaminen - Villen tie yrittäjäksi

Tässä artikkelissa perehdymme siihen, millaista on aloittaa freelancerina ja millaista yrittäjänä toimiminen todellisuudessa on. Haastattelimme freelanceriamme Villeä kuluneista kahdesta vuodesta ja selvitimme, millaista arki it-freelancerina on todellisuudessa ollut.

Read the story

Ready to try your wings?

Get in touch to start your journey from paid employment to freelancing.


Gnonsult success officer

Joonas Koivuniemi

050 590 1419

[email protected]